(Inharmony’s Emaho Drala x Moonlight’s Maia Inharmony CGN)

Born April 6, 2001

Eyes Normal

Zhouma (pronounced Joma) is named after a song on the "Sister Drum" CD which talks about the feminine Tibetan name that is passed from grandmother to mother to daughter. The name also can be literally translated as "fairy."

From the time when Drala and Maia’s "unplanned" family were 3 weeks of age, I couldn’t get this song out of my mind. I was drawn to one pup in particular. When I asked this 3 week old pup if she was my "Zhouma," she responded by licking my face, wagging her tail, and giving a deep sigh. This incredible bundle of intelligence, curiosity, personality, and confidence stayed with me.

Zhouma is a real character! She lives by the theme song: "Girls just wanna have fun!" and is quite a "party girl." However, when the harnesses come out, the games disappear. She loves working beside Drala. Like her daddy, Zhouma is a steady and reliable worker. Zhouma is also a dedicated "mouser" who delights in checking out the hay bales for mice.

Zhouma has superb structure, movement and type – a definite show caliber bitch. Because of an uncertain genetic heritage,  Zhouma was spayed.

           Malamute Entry
           My Mals List
Zhouma is quite a character. She is always aware of what's going on in the neighborhood. Zhouma not only enjoys picking her own saskatoon berries, but she's gotten my neighbor to pick some for her!
6 yrs. old
< December 2007. 6yr. 8 mo.
Let the games begin!
Photos at 5 years
March 2008. almost 7 years old
March 2008. My Party Girl!
November 2008. Zhouma loves snow baths in the winter - and sunbathing in the summer - no matter what the temperature is!
Zhouma at 9 yrs is like her father and grandfather in not showing her age! She's talking to me while up on the cross over. My party-girl is always ready for a play - with anyone.

Nov. 16, 2010. Zhouma at 9 1/2 yrs.

Jan. 2011

Summer 2011.
This 10 yr old party girl can SING!

March 2012. Just about 11 years old - and still having fun!

After a wonderful snow bath, Zhouma is ready to MOVE again! She certainly has her sire's fabulous athletic conformation and movement.

Dec 2012. Happiness is running in fresh light snow! 11 1/2 year old Zhouma is still a party girl at heart. Working in harness without her grandfather (Geoffrey) and Dorje just isn't the same. I took Drala and Zhouma out for a very short run....actually more stop than go. Got the message - even though they are noisy when the sled and harnesses come out, the joy in pulling has left they are now retired.

Nov. 2013. Zhouma is now 12 1/2 years young. She really enjoys playing and checking out the yard and, especially when it's really cold, the comforts of being inside for naps

Zhouma, now 13 years young, still initiates playing with the boys.

June 1, 2014... Finally there is some warmth in the sun.  Zhouma takes advantage with a snooze as she sunbathes.
March, 2016 15 year old Zhouma meets Jaxom and Sharra
May, 2016 Zhouma enjoys her daily walk about the yard. She has absolutely no tolerance for any grooming now.
April 6, 2016  Zhouma turned 15 years old.
Oct. 10, 2016 Zhouma and Justin
Jan. 1, 2017 Zhouma continues to amaze me - in a wonderful way. She is handling the very cold weather here extremely well and even when it is minus 20C and lower, she loves her walk-abouts in the yard. She still flirts with the boys, has snow baths, trots and runs when the mood hits her. Her energy remains strong. The only thing I've noticed is a bit more weakness in her hind end, but at 15 years and 9 months, that is certainly understandable.
And, yes, her loud opinions are still heard.