Pack Pics.9
Sledding season 2007 - 2008 began in late December. The weather has cooperated with givng "dry" snow and temperatures below freezing. The trails are great this year - and the teams have already been out more so far this season than we did in the past two years combined - and if the weather cooperates- we'll get many more days in yet.
                    Team of 4    
Geoffrey (left lead) & Dorje (right lead)
  Zhouma (left wheel) & Drala (right wheel)
In the meadow
Alerting to deer
Drala, Zhouma, Dorje, Geoffrey
When the new fencing was put in, an alley was created from the yard to the back section. This has made it much easier to work the dogs without the mares interfering or getting out.
                             Team of 3
                    Anakin, Sila, & Justin.
Anakin is happier having his buddy, Sila, beside him in lead position. Justin is a solid  & enthusiastic worker in wheel position.
Leaving the meadow
Justin, Anakin, Sila
Annie watches the team coming home.