Pack Pics.17  Autumn 2013 and Winter 2013-2014
Autumn 2013... pack play
Justin playing with Oliver and Bella.
Bella and Oliver. Bella inherited her tail
grabbing skills from grand daddy Justin!

3 Generations playing
Justin (on foam bed), his daughter Kadence (totally naked) and her two pups Oliver and Bella.

Litter sisters Molly and Kadence enjoy chewing their nylabones together.  This was not a posed photo - Molly took her bone and joined Kadence on the foam bed.
Winter 2013 - 14
Justin  is a wonderful playmate and role model for 5 mo. Oliver & Bella
The tail grabbing 'congo' (above) and Bella grabbing onto Oliver's tail (again and again) illustrate that some behaviors are genetic!
After the play outside, Oliver, Bella, and Justin, like all my dogs, enjoy time in the dog room to have a drink, chew on a bone or just have some fun.
Justin & 5 mo grandson Oliver
Justin's tolerance for the antics of his high energy grandpups never ceases to amaze and delight me.

Dec. 13 was our fifth run this year - and the first time we were out when the sun was shining.... briefly.

The combination of bright colors and winter wonderland just adds to the enjoyment.

Lead: Pema and Justin

Wheel: Molly & Kadence


January 22, 2014.  One of the last runs of the season due to logging of the Crown Land that started in February. My total for the year was 22 runs while Candice was only able to join us for 2 runs.
Candice and her team of Ahkila and Kain

Smiles all around at the end of the run.

I ran a smaller team of Pema, Justin, and Molly. Photo taken at a favorite spot at Moss Meadow.

Feb. 14, 2014. Justin and his grandpups, Bella and Oliver (almost 8 months)

The running games begin!
Justin and Oliver
Justin, Oliver, Bella
Oliver & Bella >