Ch. Windstar's Justin Time CGN x Inharmony's Kadence CGN

Born: January 6, 2016

Hips: too young        CHD: cleared by parents       Eyes: too young  PN: cleared by parents
4 weeks old
At 6 weeks, Sharra's personality profile and conformation give great promise for the future. As I have no further interest in the show ring, Sharra won't be shown but she will be worked in harness and be fully educated.
To:  Malamute Entry
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Kadence has shown her pups many delights when outside such as eating fresh grass!

9 week old photos

10 weeks ol d
Education 'formally' begins!

Sharra has a very quick mind, huge desire to learn, and amazing natural attention.

Skills she has added this week are 'Paw' and paw  variations, Go to Mark, Leave it, Weaves on lead, and plank walking (on a slightly bigger plank.)

"Go to Mark".........then come to front on cue and sit
Un-cued amazing focus
Torture by Cheese!                               May I please have it?
The next day, her collar didn't need to be held (so she'd be successful). She understood!
4 1/2 months
Waiting then when cued, sliding to a stop at the mark.
Very willing to work for Gino
5 1/2 months
Intoduction to the cross-over

6 1/2 months   Sharra can easily flip the nose band off - but doesn't. 

She is growing into her name of "Lady Sharra"

In the newly introduced 'box game', Sharra experimented by gonig to the pause table and executing a 'go-paw-touch' with the cone. But that wasn't the game that she was to play with Candice so no click nor treat. Sharra returned to the box and started to do different behaviors in and around the box.  Sharra is an extremely intelligent girl - at the same level of her older 1/2 brother Oliver - so it was no surprise that she did a complex behavior to see if that would get a reward. Her focus working with Candice was superb. She reminded Candice of working with Molly at the same age - learning at the same speed.

Sharra is very athletic and extremely FAST! She loves to blast through the tunnel at full speed.  I can see her being an excellent - and enthusiastic - worker in harness.


Sharra reminds me of her grandmother, Pema, in many ways.